likes computers & math
I’m currently an undergraduate at Caltech studying computers. I’ve worked at Trail of Bits, Zellic, OtterSec, Carnegie Mellon University’s REUSE and instructed 595G Seminar in Computer Security at the University of California, Santa Barbara. One day, I hope to be a professor.
Some fun things I’ve made include:
hyperfast operating system for retro games
high abstraction assembler with types
MSpaint as an operating system
portable memory allocator in assembly
6502 emulator + game console
I also play CTFs with DiceGang, organize CTF events with the 1D6 Foundation, and compete in the International Cybersecurity Competition with the U.S Cybersecurity Team. As a researcher, I’ve done guest lectures on exploitation at the HOPE Conference, EPFL Innovation Park, Carnegie Mellon University, and UCSB’s Seclab.
I write about interesting technical problems on my blog.